Thursday, May 16, 2013

Jullian Bond

Three days ago, NAACP President Emeritus Jullian Bond, made the statement that the Tea Party is the "Taliban wing of American Politics"  Then he went on to say when asked if he was being too harsh, "the truth may hurt, but it's the truth." NAACP is an arm of the democrat socialist party.  It is a racist, race baiting, hate mongering organization that keeps the black man down.  They are happy for blacks to be unemployed and dependent on government for subsistence.  They have no problem with the failing education system or the fatherless homes.  They teach blacks that they are victims and have no chance of succeeding in life.  This is what keeps them in business. The modern day NAACP is the "KKK wing of American Politics."  The truth may hurt, but it's the truth.
A.C. Smithson

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