Sunday, December 29, 2013

Is it Fair?

Is it fair that I am better looking than you.  The person down the street is smarter than you.  You want to be taller.  You want to be thinner.  You were born poor.  You were born rich, but your parents didn't give you enough attention.  You have a seriously ill child.  You or a family member suffers a disability.  Your friend makes more money at his job than you do at yours. You got arrested when your friend got away.  You don't like your new tattoo.  Your girlfriend left you for someone else.  Your father abandoned the family when you were little.  Your father died when you were very young.  While growing up your friends always had more than you.  The neighbors have a nicer car than you.  You are not the athlete you wanted to be.  Get the message life is not fair.  Too bad so sad.  That is the way it is.
 Now if a politician tells you he can make it fair consider this:  Obama wasted 1 trillion dollars on shovel ready jobs and then laughed remarking there weren't really that many shovel ready jobs.  He just wasted your money in kickbacks to his supporters.  He said he would unite not  divide.  He would close Gitmo.  He would be ethical and transparent.  He would represent all Americans.  He lied about fast and furious.  He lied about Benghazi and then lied to cover it.  He lied about NSA spying.  He lied about Syria.  When he tells you he is working hard every day to make your life fair he is lying.  He lied about the IRS.  He lied about Obamacare and how it would reduce your cost by $2,500.00 a year, and that you could keep your policy and your doctor.  He will shortly be giving the insurance companies a bailout.  He said no more bailouts.  These are just a few of a politicians lies.
 Now liberals (Marxist socialist) utilize the tactic of dividing people in order to accomplish their goals.  Is it fair that that person has so much more than you?  He is just a winner in life's lottery. You should feel jealous and envious of his possessions.  When a politician  tells you he can make life fair for you he is lying.  If the politician is a serial liar similar to Obama there should be little doubt it is a lie.  Bottom line "life is not fair. " Not to say you can't change the circumstances of your life, but someone else can't do it for you.  If you develop the skills necessary to make yourself marketable you can improve your lot in life.  If you work hard and apply yourself you can change your circumstances.  If you don't like your lot in life it is up to you and nobody else to fix it. If you believe a government stealing from one person giving a handout to you will solve unfairness you are in for a sad life.
A. C. Smithson

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