Sunday, July 14, 2013

BET Television

This morning I watched several geniuses on BET.  It was a gaggle of lawyers, college professors, and  journalist.  They were debating ways to continuing punishing a man who was found not guilty.  They spoke of how unfairly African Americans are being treated by whites.  They wanted Obama and the U.S. Attorney General to charge Zimmerman, in federal court, with civil rights violations.  These upstanding citizens were probably violating Zimmerman's civil rights in having him charged in the first place.  Then they wanted to change the law in Florida from the stand your ground law to tuck your tail run and hide law.  One of the moron lawyers said a black man in New York shot a white man and he was found guilty.  Different case different circumstances.  Probably was guilty.  Lawyers can't be this stupid, but they know a lot of citizens are.  This non-sense will rile them up.  A little more racism against whites can't hurt anyone.  I am sure if the circumstances were the same as with Zimmerman the guy in New York would have been found not guilty.  Florida had a case recently where a black man shot a white man who was choking the black man.  It was ruled justifiable.  Do not fall for this crap they spread, think about what they are saying and why are they stirring up hate.
A. C. Smithson

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