Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Racial Hatred

Al the race baiter is possibly an alien.  No not from Mexico, from outer space.  Look at that head.  No human can have a coconut that big.  It can't be human.  He was likely sent here to earth from some other planet to foment hatred between the races here on earth.  Now for low information readers I am only kidding.  He of course is an almost human, who has learned that teaching people to hate one another can be quite profitable.  If you listen careful to the hate mongers, Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, CNN, MSNBC, and many others it is easy to imagine groups like the KKK and Nazi's speaking similar words.  The difference is the target of hate.  As far as the KKK it is people with dark skin.  For the Nazi's it was Jews, Bolsheviks, and gays.  For Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP it is a innocent Hispanic and whites.  Not much difference between these hate groups at all.  I wonder where the Hispanic groups are.  Why are they not defending their fellow Hispanic.  Seems all these groups may be as worthless and hate filled as the KKK, Nazis.
A. C. Smithson

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