Sunday, July 14, 2013

Teach your children well

Much talk about the Trayvon Martin tragedy is going on.  How will we protect our children is the lament.    Try getting married and staying married.  Set a proper example.  Treat your children as an important part of your life.  Take them to church. Teach them the difference between right and wrong.  Hold them to that standard.  Correct them when they fall short, and don't support their mistakes. Don't let them think they are the most important thing in the world, remind them that most people deserve the same respect and considerations.  Tell them not to smoke dope and get kicked out of school.  Don't let them dress as hoodlums because people will think they are.  Don't allow them to smoke dope around the neighborhood.  Don't allow them to hang out with burglars and thieves.  Tell them it is not a good idea to be dealing in the buying and selling of guns (underage).  Tell them not to be racist and hateful, creepy ass crackers.  Most importantly tell them to have respect for adults and authority.  Finally, tell them not to attack people, punch them in the face, and beat their heads on concrete.
A. C. Smithson

1 comment:

  1. if only parents would parent and not spoil their children and make them think the world owes them something. great guidelines to follow Mr. Smithson
