Friday, June 7, 2013

Government Data Mining, Spying on you, is it a problem?

The government is tracking all phone calls, Internet, credit cards, and who knows what else.  They claim it is for your safety.  The liar in chief back in 2008 said it was wrong.  He would discontinue this practice.  He instead expanded it from monitoring foreign calls to all calls.  Is it possible that this government might misuse the information it collects.  Could political opponents and citizens be punished in the future.  Can you trust this government, or any government for that matter with your freedoms?  I say whatever return they promise it is not worth it.  The Justice department, ATF, IRS, EPA, FBI, OSHA, and many others have already abused their powers.  Remember Ben Franklin said that if people are willing to surrender some of their freedoms for temporary security they soon will have, nor deserve either.  Can you trust this government?  Liars, liars, pants on fire.
A.C. Smithson

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