Friday, October 18, 2013

Damn Tea Party

Yo, low information citizens.  You hate the Tea Party as you are suppose to.  You just don't know why.  Let me lay out their principals and perhaps it can help you understand why you hate them.
1.  They are for individual Liberty
2.  They are for limited government as our founding fathers were when they set up the republic.
3.  They are for economic freedom.
4.  They are for protecting the Constitution.
5.  They reject Cap and Trade (being taxed to save planet from non-existent man made global warming.)
6 .  They demand a balanced budget.
7.   They want the enactment of fundamental tax reform.
8.   They are for restoring fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited government in Washington.
9.   End runaway government spending.
10. Defund, repeal, and replace government run health care. (I am against them on this don't replace it.  Not a legitimate federal government function.)
11. Pass all of the above energy policy.
12. Stop the pork spending.
13. Stop the tax hikes.

It is no wonder you hate these bastards.  It's easy to see how unreasonable they are.
A.C. Smithson

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