Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What will fix the economy?

What will stimulate the economy? More unemployment insurance payouts? What about a one thousand dollar tax rebate over twelve months? Not enough to stimulate the consumer side of the equation. How about direct aid to cities and states? The aid will temporarily retain jobs (until the money runs out), but it will create almost none. Will infrastructure jobs such as road repairs, bridge repairs, or railroads help? Only until the money runs out, in approximately one year. There would be some modest improvement in the unemployment numbers, however the economy would ultimately be worse off with additional deficit spending. The aforementioned is roughly what Obama's plan will be. The estimated cost will be approximately 300 billion dollars. Obama's plan will not work.

The following will work: Rewrite the tax code so as every citizen will contribute something. Currently over 40% of American citizens do not pay any income tax what-so-ever. Simplify the code and cut out the loopholes. Lower corporate tax rates so as to stir investment. Eliminate capitol investment rates encouraging companies to repatriate monies invested outside the country. Modify entitlements ensuring they will be around for future generations. Over one third of the total federal budget goes to these entitlement programs. Retirement programs will eventually go bankrupt also. The postal service, and some municipalities currently cannot pay their retirement obligations. Lower the federal workforce (mainly through attrition). Repeal Obama care and the exorbitant cost imposed by it upon businesses. Open up oil exploration and drilling. Cut the hell out of crushing and costly regulations (unnecessary regulations cost business trillions of dollars, yes trillions). How many jobs would that produce? I mean cut them by 90%. The majority of these regulations are of no value to the American citizen. This I guarantee would fix the economy. Certainly there are other workable solutions which should be explored and implemented. The economy is fixable.

Now, if I can know what would absolutely fix the economy you have to ask the question, WHY DOESN'T OBAMA?
A. C. Smithson

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