Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Life Politics

Politics is not only democrats and republicans. Politics affects our jobs, economy, and even our interpersonal interactions. Who is the boss's favorite. Who in the organization is favored to receive the next promotion, etc.

Our national politics will soon decide our future standard of living. It will limit our individual rights and freedoms, or it may back off from it's recent encroachments.

Do you know people who claim not to care about politics? What do these people talk about? American Idol, Michael Jackson, Coolio, Lady Gaga or some other pop culture junk. Something that matters zilch. Since politics touches almost every aspect it would behoove intelligent people to at a minimum pay attention.

Some people sit around and let things happen. Others make things happen. If you have no clue what is happening, which one would you be?

A. C. Smithson

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