Monday, September 5, 2011

Obama's Detroit Gang

Today Obama will be repeating his same old tired ideas of expanding the government to create jobs. That and more government spending. More road and bridge jobs. We already paid for that. Remember when you got your vehicle registration. Remember when you paid your tax on the gasoline you purchased? He wants to extent unemployment insurance. People will do what you pay them to do. If you pay them not to work, guess what? It didn't work the first three times, but I am sure it will this time.

This is not what caught my attention. The opening act before the Bamster (Obama) came on stage was Jimmy Hoffa Jr. Son of the scum bag criminal union boss Jimmy Hoffa. The one that disappeared by crossing the wrong Mafioso.
Jimmy Hoffa Jr. while ranting and raving about how his union thugs were underpaid and mistreated went on to call the Tea Party sons a bitches. His exact quote is "Let's take these sons of bitches out!" Sorta of like what someone did to his daddy. Well let us examine the Tea Party's positions and see if they deserve this kind of vitriol. (Obama's people are very classy)
The Tea Party is a grass roots organization which stands for the following:

limited federal government
individual freedoms
personal responsibility
free markets
returning political power to the states and the people

Imagine those sons a bitches having such lofty goals in the United States of America. Damn them!

P.S. Jimmy if you don't behave the conservatives, George Bush, nor the tea party will ever tell you where your dad is!

A. C. Smithson

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