Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Great Moderates in History

Where have all the great moderates in history gone? I checked out a book from the library the other day. It was entitled Great Moderates in History. The pages were blank. I had to think back in history in order to find examples. Chamberlain prior to World War ll. He was a moderate appeaser. That is not great. Wait what about the drafters of the constitution? No they they stood for something. What about the U.S. military in it's defeat of the Japanese, and the Japaneses unconditional surrender. No not any compromise there. I guess there are just no great moderates.

Moderates are tacticians. They drift from side to side and are not guided by any core values or principles. The kitten represents the moderate. The lion represents individuals with conviction and character.

A. C. Smithson

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