Saturday, September 24, 2011

Enough is Enough!

It is time we pass a law designating English as the official language of government. I am tired of people coming to this country and disrespecting us by refusing to learn English. Without the knowledge of English they become a drag, and burden on our society. These people come here because we are the greatest nation ever to have existed on the face of the earth. If these people have a desire to come here for greater opportunity, and freedom they have certain responsibilities to fulfill. One of the initial responsibilities is to learn our language. We have people who have lived here years and even decades, and yet they cannot speak, or refuse to speak English. What's up with that? I will tell you it is two things: laziness, and lack of respect toward this generous nation. Liberal lunatics who wish to shield these non-English speakers from the harsh reality of needing to know English are doing them a dis-service. Life is harsh on occasion, and it is time these do good enablers realize they are harming these people. You cannot have a successful life in the United States without knowing English. If we truly want to assist these individuals we should insist that within two years English Language is acquired. Now don't get me wrong. The more languages a person knows the better off they are. If you live here English better be one of them.

Taxpayers should not have to spend millions dollars annually to print publications in multiple languages. Is this mean, evil, heartless? If it is then I am not alone. Research whether Mexico, Honduras, Panama, Columbia, Brazil, Ecuador, Cuba, and the vast majority of nations around the world would accommodate them. If you wish to communicate with them you better become familiar with their language because they will not wet nurse you.
A. C. Smithson

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