Wednesday, September 28, 2011

City Government

Today I heard my dogs barking and I looked outside. There was a dog (stray) in my front yard. This is about the fifth time that dogs have come up on my property. Some have defecated on my yard as I have one of the last grass lawns. My neighbors are attempting to save the planet by having rock yards. I telephoned animal control. The call was switched to the police department. I thought I was in trouble for calling the police on a non emergency call. Afraid of my government. I explained the problem and they tried to contact animal control but were unsuccessful. An hour, or an hour and a half later I received no response. I then called back. Police department again. No contact with animal control. I then called my City Representative. Not in. I was told he would call me back. Then I called the mayor. He was in a meeting. Told he would call back. Then I called the City Manager. She was in a meeting and would call me back. No calls back. I called animal control again. No answer. The police could not contact them. One hour later I called everyone back. City representative, mayor, and city manager. I was told they would call me back. The mayor's secretary had the attitude that she could care less. The city representative's secretary said he would call back. Four hours later no call. The City Manager's secretary said she would call me back. I asked when. She told me initially she was in back to back meetings for the next two weeks. Later she told me she was in back to back meetings through December. I asked if she would call me in January. I then told her that I plan to write about this. She asked if I was a reporter. I told her no , but that I was a writer. She refused to answer when the manager would call me. She told me that a Kirk Fenspemacher, assistant manager would call me. I told her I still wanted to talk to the city manager so I could inform her that the city is not working. She still refused to tell me if the manager would call me in January, however she did indicate that she would call me eventually. I received a call from animal control and they told me they would send someone out to cite the owner. I would have to testify in court. I said fine. Kirt called me, and while I was talking to him animal control showed up. Approximately four and a half or five hours later. The man told me he would leave a note on the owner of the dogs door. I told him that his boss said something different. The responding officer then said he would make a report, and patrol the area. Kirk who was friendly and polite told me that if the call was a vicious dog, or a dog at a school the response would be immediately and overwhelming. This is my interpretation of what he said: If I have chest pains an ambulance would be there sometime. If I was in cardiac arrest they would be there right now. If a man is in my front yard waving a gun the police would be there sometime. If he was actually shooting someone the police would be there right away. If I have a minor fire the fire department will be there sometime. If the house is fully engulfed and my family is trapped inside they will be there right away. Not good enough. Either provide a competent service or get out of the business. Don't raise false hopes of service. I swear if they do not handle the problem I will telephone Michael Vick.

A. C. Smithson.

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