Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Political Correctness

Why is education failing? One reason is that teachers are burdened with an overwhelming amount of paperwork. This detracts from their teaching. An additional problem is political correctness compliance. The flavor of the month is bullying. The government is sending money to schools in order to combat it. When you hear it described it appears that bullying is as pervasive, and widespread as the plague was in Europe during the dark ages. This is not true. Some bullying is going on, but it is not as devastating as portrayed. We teach children to be weak, fragile, victims. There are already mechanisms ( school rules and criminal laws) in place to deal with it.

A new P.C. issue is coming to schools near you. Let's see how many egg-head educators address this problem. Today a P.C. expert has indicated that homework should be done on colored paper as white paper may be racist.

A. C. Smithson

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