Friday, September 16, 2011

Nation in decline!

Experts ( liberal art professors) at the University of Texas at El Paso met to discuss hate crimes. They met with young heads full of mush (students) and other concerned citizens (liberals). It is these kind of people (nuts) that have put us in decline. These people are charged with training future generations to become productive members of society. Not likely as these professors are jokes themselves. Political correctness requires them to ask for hate crime laws. Polikal crtness mak u stoopid! The discussion centered on hate against Hispanics, African Americans, and members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. What if someone hates a white guy or gal, does that count? My God! I just realized they forgot people who love farm animals and small children. What if someone hates them. As I read the story I wondered did these people say all these stupid things or did the person writing the article quote them inaccurately? Wait I was just scanning the article and they threw women in, but they still left goat lovers and pedophiles out. Not very inclusive UTEP. According to them here is why we need hate crime laws. There was cruelty inflicted on African-Americans from the 1800's to the 1960's. Problem solved as that was over fifty years ago. Do we need a law to cover something that by the admission of the Chicano Studies Professor at UTEP ended in the 1960's? Recently after the September 11 attacks, a religious group was discriminated against because of their clothing. Men who wore turbans were targeted. (kind of general huh!). Question, how were they discriminated against?
"Within the LGBT community, attacks against gay men tend to be higher while lesbians tend to be raped more." Who is raping them? Other lesbians? White men? How often? What the hell are you talking about you nutty professor.
In 2010, three hate crimes were reported in El Paso, three! Two of these were gay... "and the only way to eradicate this cycle is to eradicate racism within the United States." Gays are now a race? In 1969 the Journal of Psychiatric Medicine identified homosexuality as a mental illness. Later it was called a civil rights problem, of which it is not. A black man can't change his color, however numerous gays have gone straight. Choice not a civil rights issue. Now it appears to be a race issue. "Another way to eradicate this problem is to tell your children that gay and lesbian conduct is fine before the child enters school." Two years ago, five gay men had an unpleasant experience. What! Unpleasant experiences are hate crimes now. Two of them were kissing inside of a restaurant, in front of the other patrons, and they were thrown out. More recently a man was beaten outside a gay bar, and this sparked controversy over whether the attack was a hate crime. Now herein lies the rub. This attack outside the bar may, or may not have been directed toward the person because he was thought to be gay. The police investigation ruled it just regular hate and not a hate crime. Without looking into the assailants heads how the hell do you know. Question: what if you make a mistake while reading the criminals mind. How would you feel if the poor miscreant was punished more harshly because you read his mind wrong? How would you feel? These same jackasses that are proponents of hate crime laws are the same one's that protest , and claim that all the people in prisons are innocent. The exact same liberal fools. Now this is how it works. Hate crimes mandate harsher punishments. Note: all violent crimes are hate based. Criminals do not hurt people because they love them. You do not kick the hell out of another person in a bar fight because you love him. Criminals do not shoot policemen because they have a love for peace officers. There are already penalties for these offenses. In Texas if you kill someone we will kill you back. Now in order to punish a murderer who also commits a hate crime must we execute, resuscitate, and re-execute him? What if we read his mind incorrectly and we kill him twice for nothing. What if he hated the person, but not because he was a minority or gay, he just plain hated him. What if?
We routinely release people from jail and prison far ahead of the time for which they were sentenced. I arrested a man in the 1970s for murder. He was sentenced to 90 years in prison. Eleven years later I arrested him for burglary. Instead of reading their minds simply put them in jail for the period of time to which they are sentenced. That will teach them. Trust me all crimes which these wing nuts are complaining about are already covered. Assault, rape, murder, you name it we got it covered.

I truly believe this. It is racism to make a white persons assault or murder less important than some other group. Think about it. In my opinion these people simply want to stir up racial, and gay tensions. Racism and sexism are cottage industries in the United States. Race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jessse Jackson, and evidently college professors make their living this way. Their motto should be ... Keep Hate Alive.... I need a job! Please understand me. No person I repeat no person should be subjected to harassment, threats, assault, rape, murder, or any other crime. All people should be equally protected. We have laws for that now. Plenty of them.
A. C. Smithson

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