Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My intent in this writing is not condemnation, but instead an encouragement toward fulfilling ones duties as a responsible citizen.
I have worked in the field of education for the past decade. I have come to the sad realization that when it comes to politics, educators are clueless. As with everything there are exceptions to each and every rule. I know a handful of teachers who possess a mastery of the discipline. The vast, vast majority are completely totally naive, ill-educated, and damn near hopelessly illiterate, politically speaking.
I respect and admire teachers. They are some of my favorite people. That said, they scare the hell out of me. I truly fear for our nation. Teachers are presumed to be the educated among us. I believe I could locate bums on the street corner (sorry not bums, I mean homeless people) that understand politics better. Now if the educated among us are clueless, and easily confused what is going on inside the heads of the un-educated. There is little doubt liberal propaganda espoused by education unions have worsened the situation.
People please educate yourselves. Do not tune to CNN (Communist network news), or MSNBC (Obama's media outlet). Expose your mind to other information. Listen to alternative sources of information then make your decision. Search the Internet, tune into talk radio, read the National Review, check out Fox News. View something that will give you another perspective. Expand your sources of information as this is the only true way to make informed decisions.
Why am I scared? We citizens are allowing government to expand to a point in which we will no longer be able to control it. Soon government will control us. " The government that can do everything for you can take everything from you." Abe Lincoln.
Please do not take my word for it. When you have a question about something research it. Same problem we experience with junk science. Someone makes a claim and we all accept it as gospel without checking it out, or RESEARCHING it.
I will give you an example:
The federal government spent a trillion dollars to create jobs. It created none. Now they propose to spend a half trillion dollars the same way. It will create no jobs. The majority of the money would be used, as in the first one, to pay public unions back for their support of Obama. The slogan is "put teachers back in the classrooms where they belong." Cute, and catchy huh? Police, fire, and teachers will be rolling in the dough for a period of time. Until the money runs out, and Obama has bought enough votes to get re-elected. After that the excrement will hit the fan. The increased taxing to pay for all of this spending will be used to continue the government operations, pay for Obamacare (trillions), and the additional trillions that we currently owe.
Now for the teachers bemoaning the recent budget cuts from the state, and the increase in classroom size consider this. When all of the above happens, and it surly will, hang on! The teacher population may be reduced by half. Entire schools might be forced to close. If un-employment is high ( or worsens as predicted), and tax revenue continues to be low (fewer people working to pay), guess what. No money= fewer teachers, policemen, and firemen.
Now is what I stated true? Wouldn't it be nice to know for positive?
Here's a second example:
No Child Left Behind legislation was not written by the evil George W. Bush. The legislation was in fact written by two liberal democrats, Ted Kennedy D-Mass, and George Miller D- Calif. Obama has made no attempt to repeal it. Education Secretary Duncan has stated that it may need a little tweaking. He has not asked that it be scrapped, why? Because they both know who wrote it!
I do have advice for those who refuse to educate themselves, or just do not care. Do not vote! You will only screw things up worse!
A. C. Smithson

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