Sunday, September 11, 2011

NFL's New Kickoff Rule

It is true that a significant number of serious injuries sustained in the NFL occur during kickoff returns. After watching the preseason games and what has been shown of the regular season games a considerable amount of excitement has been lost. I would say they are about 20% less exciting. The feminization of America has finally reached the NFL in significant ways.

Over the years, I have noted that a good number of serious injuries occur while tackling people. I believe we should stop it. Head injuries, neck injuries, shoulder injuries, and leg injuries happen when players attempt to stop these big, strong, tough running backs. Injuries continue to be inflicted on quarterbacks when players attempt to tackle them. STOP THE VIOLENCE! I can think of at least one more change that should be made. No more blocking. I can't tell you how many shoulder and knee injuries have occurred during the course of blocking for a teammate.

In today's society something that can be just as debilitating as a physical injury is the mental anguish of score keeping. Identifying winners and losers. What type of psychological injury are we inflicting upon our players not to mention their fans. When need to stop the damn score keeping immediately.

When the series of downs for one team is completed, and it is time for the other team to take over I suggest we just spot the ball on the 50 yard line. Eliminate the risk of injury during punt attempts. No more punting. How many times have we seen players hit defenseless punters (running into the punter incidents). If we have no kickoff, no punting, no tackling, no blocking, and no score keeping the players should be relatively safe.

There is one additional safety measure I believe should be implemented. They need new protective clothing. Something similar to what I have shown above. With this new protective gear I believe if a player accidentally fell down he would simply bounce right back up.

In the Giants vs Redskins game I just witnessed a Giants player injure himself while running for a pass. No contact. No more running. Just walk your route.

A. C. Smithson

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