Monday, September 20, 2010

Why are my health insurance premiums increasing.

Possibly it's those greedy insurance companies wanting to make a fast buck on the backs of their hard working customers. Yea that's it, right? Nope!

It's the federal mandated requirements which take effect this Thursday.

In Connecticut the state approved a 22.9 % increase to cover the federal mandates. Our increase is not as bad as Connecticut's, but give it time.

These are what are forcing the higher rates:

  • Companies must issue policies on pre-existing conditions.
  • Elimination of lifetime spending limits per customer.
  • Young adults can stay on parents plan until they turn 26.

This is only the beginning. When this socialized medicine scheme fully kicks in watch out. Higher cost and less service. The Obama guarantee.

If you doubt me look it up yourself.

A. C. Smithson

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