Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning the Koran

The news reports that the preacher in Gainsville, Florida has a small congregation. When the news reports something it is difficult to discern the veracity of the claim as they work off of an agenda. They quit reporting observed news decades ago.

Afghanistan 2007, U.S. military members were accused of proselytizing to the Muslim community. The bibles were confiscated and reportedly burned. Some might say turn about is fair play. Today it was reported that the preacher wanted to talk to Obama. He might be wondering why his money from N.E.A. (National Endowment for the Arts) has not arrived. They fund such worthwhile art efforts as the tossing of elephant dung on a rendering of the Virgin Mary, or the urinating on a sculpture of Christ. There should be some kind of grant for burning Korans.

I say this is no way for a christian preacher to conduct himself. He may be a person in search of his fifteen minutes of fame.

This mosque is a different story. Everything should be done to discourage it's building. It is a provocative act the same as the burning of the Koran. We should not pussy foot around with those with whom we are at war. When they show tolerance toward us then we should reciprocate.

If there are peace loving Muslims. Muslims who do not believe they must kill all people of other religions (infidels) they need to speak up. If they are afraid to then possible their religion is the dark hate filled one that some people think it is.

A. C. Smithson

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