Thursday, September 9, 2010

Grouping of peoples

Our president who was suppose to be post racial turned out to be most racial. When he is criticised for all his harmful acts toward our nation he claims the criticism is because he is black.

Another destructive feature of our society is multiculturalism. Like most other nations we should have one dominate culture. One that is showcased. If individuals wish to observe traditions of their own that is fine, but don't attempt to mainstream it.

All these different months set aside to recognize certain groups is counterproductive and yes even destructive toward our society. Black history month, or Hispanic heritage month. Why not if you want to showcase contributions simply say so and so did this. If you are a liberal and must drag race into it you could always add he/she also happens to be Hispanic or black or whatever.

These groups are maintained and encouraged in order for race baiters to pit one group against another. Blacks vote almost unanimously for democrats. Why, because they are grouped and targeted with propaganda. They are told lie after lie. If they knew the democratic party's history they would go elsewhere. Democrat politicians in the south implemented segregation laws. They set up separate water fountains. They opposed civil right legislation and access to educational institutions. These are just a few of their transgressions against blacks. This is also why we no longer teach history.

A. C. Smithson

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