Saturday, September 25, 2010

UAW Workers

How does a society who sees itself as cool, hip, smart, and connected elect a president who on a daily basis is moving closer to becoming the worst president in our nation's history? (actually he has already succeeded in doing that. I am just waiting for all Americans to realize it) Yes, worse than Buchanan (Democrat, Civil War) and Carter (Democrat, misery index). How did voters become this stupid? Answer: Messiah's supporters to include middle aged men tend to drink beer and smoke marijuana during their lunch breaks. (See video on U.A.W. Chrysler workers smoking pot) Guarantee each and everyone of these losers voted for the king of losers. I wonder what Obama does on his lunch break. We know he can't quit his cigarette habit. Is it possible that he has been unable to shake his coke and pot use. (Self admitted, as a youth)

A. C. Smithson

Please click this link to view the video!

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