Monday, September 6, 2010


The most plausible explanation for Obama's actions is that he is the Marxist that I said he was. He follows the teachings of the first community organizer his God, Saul Alinsky. Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals is Obama's bible. Each step he has taken is directly from the book including Obama's favorite slogan about CHANGE. The book was dedicated to Alinsky's mentor Lucifer who he calls the first successful revolutionary/community organizer. Obama even taught Alensky's views when Obama was a guest lecturer. If he continues he will destroy the economy and eventually the republic.

Some believe that this community organizer is simply corrupt and incompetent. He is much more than that.

Useful idiots continue to believe he is doing a good job.

John McCain is credited with coining the acronym B.I.O.B., blame it on Bush. Throughout his one and only term Obama will continue to use this excuse to justify his actions. (directly from Alinsky's teachings).

Reject B.I.O.B.when you hear it. The correct acronym to explain our nations current condition is B.I.O.O., blame it on Obama. Hopefully the truth will catch on.

A. C. Smithson

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