Friday, September 17, 2010


Liberalism has flourished within the education system at all levels for decades. Due to their programs and policies education cost are astronomical, and the results are far less than desirable. People in charge of education take on more and more responsibilities while their original mission education is relegated to a position somewhere around twelfth on the list of priorities. Manners, political correctness, moral relativism, sex education, multiculturalism, global warming, environmentalism, obesity, nutrition, cultural sensitivity, gender sensitivity, eye wear providers, hearing aid providers, and the list goes on. It is basically just an attempt to ensure that we get their heads straight so they know what to think. As the Wrong Reverend Wright declared "America's chickens have come home to roost."

Bullying is this week cause de jere, that and free college education payed for with others money. Libs could do whatever they want to as far as I am concerned if they just would use there own money. I don't know who failed in their upbringing to teach them that they are not entitled to other peoples hard earned money. These other people may have plans for their money. They may want to keep it for selfish reasons like supporting their own families.

Back to bullying. The talking points for bullying are as follows: "bullies work hard to look strong and tough in the eyes of other people. They hurt people on purpose. They call them names." (How could someone survive that? Wait I know what about sticks and stones) "They tease and reject."

Experts say that people bully for any number of reasons. One reason may be that they are feeling lonely. Another reason may be that they are feeling afraid. Bullies feel a need to bully others so they can feel better about themselves.

Good God people what are we doing! We should not be trying to ostracise bullies. If they feel lonely become a friend and hang around with them. Tell people that bullies are some of your best friends. People will know how open minded and accepting you are. You could become a hero to millions. At least all the bullies would like you because you stood up for them. We should be trying to help and understand them. This need they have to bully others sounds like an addiction. They need treatment not ridicule. Question: if you ridicule a bully who can't control himself do you not yourself become one? These people need care, compassion, love, understanding, guidance, a kind word, sympathy, treatment, and possibly a hug. Lay off the bullies and pick on someone your own size. Pick a different flavor of the week.

A. C. Smithson

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