Friday, September 24, 2010

Illegal Aliens

Newsflash -- Democrats do not give a damn about you.

Just like the professional race baiters they are simply using you. Democrats can no longer get Americans to vote for them, so they're turning to illegals. If you make them legal then you can get their vote. For over 50 years the D. S. P. (Democrat Socialist Party) has been promising blacks they will take care of them. They will meet their every need and want. The sad thing is blacks still believe it, and are waiting.

The statist (Democrats) have no problem rewarding people who have broken our laws. They willingly place them ahead of immigrants who have followed the rules. (dream act ).

Democrats say that illegal aliens do jobs that Americans will not do. For the most part they are talking about agricultural jobs. We do not need illegal aliens to pick our crops. Europe does not utilize migrant farm workers to pick their crops. Mechanized devices pick their crops. Mechanized devices could pick our crops. Democrats claim illegals contribute to the American economy. This is inaccurate as is most of what they say. Illegals take far more than they contribute. Medical, law enforcement, public education, and the myriad of social welfare programs far exceed the cost that illegals pay.

If you follow liberal logic and you find yourself short on groceries you can steal. If you need a car in order to get to work and make your contribution to the economy, take one. If you find yourself in need of a payday loan, rob someone.

Mexico is held in such high esteem by many. We fly their flags and celebrate their holidays. On immigration I am with the Mexican Government. Lock step, no deviation.

Situation: 16-year-old brought to the country by parents at age 3. Model student, good decent person. What would Mexico do. (W. W. M. D.) Deport her. Me too. She has been receiving benefits from the tax payers for way too long.

Situation: illegal stands in drizzle. Pregnant and chilled to the bone. When she goes into labor she steps across the boundary line into the United States. She sits down and an ambulance is dispatched. It takes her to the county hospital. Her child is born a United States citizen. W. W. M. D. Deport them. Me too. We have done her an enormous favor by providing her and her child the best medical care in the world, for free.

Situation: a man enters the United States in the middle of the night. He breaks into a house and attacks a female. He rapes her and then kidnaps her and her baby. He takes her car and fills it with items from her house. He drives to the border and rapes her again while she holds her baby. He then takes what he can carry and reenters Mexico (true story). W. W. M. D. Put him in prison and when his term expires, deport him. Me too.

Situation: 22-year-old male. High school valedictorian. Illegal alien. He is preparing to enter graduate school, and paying in-state tuition rates. W. W. M. D. Deport him. Me too.

Situation: sob story number five. Young couple enter the country on a temporary work permit. They have the intention to follow the legal process and become citizens. Year after year passes and they never seem to get around to it. They have three beautiful children (citizens by birth) one attends public elementary school and two attend public middle school. W. W. M. D. Deport them. Me too.

These gifted and talented people that liberals exalt need to return to their country. If it is true that they make such a positive contribution then possibly they can pull Mexico out of the squalor she is in.

If you want Mexicans working here set up a guest worker program. Return them to Mexico on weekends. Keep track of them. No welfare, no benefits. If you're concerned about their plight donate your money to a charity which can assist them.

A. C. Smithson

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