Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We Need More Stimulus

Marxist Obama wants a third stimulus (slush fund for unions).

Number one: $787 billion for shovel ready jobs (slush fund for unions). It roughly cost the American taxpayer $400,000 per job. Jobs saved or created. Jobs saved is a joke. There is no way to quantitate these claims. Economy remains in the tank. At the end I will offer some of these claims supporting Bush.

Number two: $30 billion to save police, fire, and teachers jobs. Economy remains in tank. (slush fund for unions)

Number three: $50 billion for jobs that will start immediately roads, rail, and runways. If this continues soon the Communist Chinese economy will be freer than ours. (slush fund for unions)

Question: is not the definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over again the same way, and expect a different outcome.

Ridiculous claims supporting Bush

If President Bush had not been elected we would have been involved in eight more wars.

If Bush had not been elected we would have experienced a depression far worse than the Great Depression. 75 million people would have died of starvation. 12 million would have died of obesity.

If Bush had not been elected 10 million more people would have been sentenced to prison terms. Crime would have been out of control.

If Bush had not been elected we would have been hit by a huge meteorite resulting in the death of one half of the world's population.

*See how silly Obama's claim that he saved or created 3.5 million jobs is? It is just as silly as the claims I made on behalf of Bush.

A. C. Smithson

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