Saturday, September 18, 2010

Who exactly is the mainstream?

You hear politicians and pundits frequently state so and so can't get elected because he/she is out of the mainstream. Obama is in the mainstream. Sonia Sotomayor is in the mainstream, Harry Reid is in the mainstream, Nancy Pelosi is in the mainstream. This group is out this group is in. Groups like the Tea Party and supporters of theirs are reportedly out of the mainstream. O'Donnell of Delaware is out of the mainstream, and can't get elected. I personally think they are picking on her because she's a girl. Let's check and see who is and who isn't mainstream.

NOTE: The mainstream is where the majority of Americans stand.

  • Obama and his regime are for Obama care.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.

A majority of Americans are against it.

  • Obama and his regime are for expanding government.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.

A majority of Americans are against it.

  • Obama and his regime are spending big.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.

A majority of Americans are against it.

  • Obama and his regime are for bailouts.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.

A majority of Americans are against it.

  • Obama and his regime are in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.

A majority of Americans are against it.

  • Obama and his regime are for tax increases.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against it.

A majority of Americans are against it.

  • Obama and his regime see Arizona as a rogue state.

Tea Party, O'Donnell, and conservatives are against suing them.

A majority of Americans are against suing them.

I could continue on for a while, but I think you see how it's working out. Now answer me truthfully, who is in the mainstream.

A. C. Smithson

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