Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The Fuhrer (leader) Obama and the other socialist in DC believe with all their hearts that we the American people are dumber than dog doodoo. They have incurred over 660 BN dollars in "new" taxes with their budget, bailouts, borrowing, and health care bill. They tell us that 95% of Americans got a tax cut. None of us got a tax cut only a tiny little rebate (big difference). Yet to come is the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Cap and trade is coming back around (they renamed it as the energy bill). They think and hope we will not connect the two due to our stupidity. Amnesty for illegal aliens will cost taxpayers more as an additional 12 to 20,000,000 people will be dependent upon the government for subsistence. When his tax commission finishes its study it will recommend a value added tax be placed on all manufactured products. This tax will be factored in to the cost of each item. Europe has imposed a 17% value-added tax in order to pay for its socialist programs. The Fuhrer thinks we are too stupid to spot it. This will be another socialist gift from Europe.

A. C. Smithson

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