Saturday, April 10, 2010

My best friend

I just received word from my best friends girlfriend that he had a heart attack and passed away. I have seen death all of my life, but right now I am in shock. He was a beautiful, intelligent, caring person and I just cannot believe what has happened.

A. C. Smithson


  1. Yes. He was a great person. A perfect gentleman. I am so sorry for your loss. He was a dedicated teacher, a hunter, golfer, and musician. A really well rounded individual who deserved our respect. My thoughts and prayers for you and Maryadele

  2. I am in shock as well. I'm sure he's with you, though you cannot see him; he'll make his presence known in one way or another and I'm sure he's grateful to have you as his closest friend. I still think I'm going to see him walking down the hallway in his usual casual friendliness...

    I'll miss him ... greatly..


  3. Dad,
    We all will always miss him. I am still in shock. I don't really have good long-term memory but I think he is the first person who is best friend of my Dad that knew how to talk to me. He learned fingerspelling/sign language and it means a lot to see someone who does that. It will be hard to overcome the hunting and golfing in the future. I will forever cherish him.

    Best thing is that he is with the Lord!


  4. Dear Andy
    First of all, I am sure you are in shock that I am writing on your blog. Second, I could not call it night until I wrote to you. Tonight, I met Dan's sister, Peggy. She was very nice, hugged me and thanked me for bringing love back to her brother's life. In fact, she placed around my neck the necklace Dan wore for 13+ years without ever taking it off. I know you meant the world to him, but I will miss him so very much! Thanks for checking on me this week as we are going through an enormous loss in our lives. Give Jet a HUGE hug for me please.
    P.S. Don't check my grammar and punctuation right now as it is 11 pm. See you friday. Goodnight. Maryadele
    P.S.S. I agree with Brian.....the best thing is that he is with our Lord!!!!!
