Sunday, April 25, 2010


Slow down as you read this. Make sure you understand what it is I am saying. This is not an attack on the Catholic faith. It is a response to one nut. This person is one who believes in open borders and us absorbing, and paying for any person in Mexico who wishes to escape their country. Escape their country and live here on the welfare state. He is too big of a coward and moron to question Mexico as to why one-forth of its population finds it necessary to flee. Flee their country and enter ours illegally. Mexico could have a similar standard of living as us if it wasn't for the political, and social systems it has in place. It has tremendous wealth of natural resources and it has huge potential for trade, and tourism.
This man LA cardinal Roger Mahoney has made the following comments about the government and peoples of Arizona. "Arizona promotes NAZI-style repression." "The country's most retrogressive, mean-spirited, and useless anti- immigrant law." "Arizonians now reverting to German NAZI and Russian Communist techniques." The Nazi's killed six and a half million Jews. The war they started killed fifty million people. There are few things one can call another which is more hateful than calling a person or group Nazi's. The Russian and Chinese Communist killed matching numbers under Stalin and Chairman Mao. Are we killing illegals in Arizona? Are we killing them or do we send them to our schools free of charge. Are we killing them or are we giving them food stamps and other welfare benefits? Are we killing them or are we providing emergency medical care to them. In many instances Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIPS. Are we killing them or providing them the same legal protections as American citizens when they break the law. Are we killing them or doing sadistic medical experiments on them or are we giving them jobs? I can go on for ever. What is Mexico doing for them? What is this Baloney/Mahoney doing for them. That is the problem with all of these people who support illegal immigration they are not willing to pay for the illegal aliens they want the taxpayers to. Do we kill them when they smuggle drugs into our country? Do we kill they when they join gangs and kill or injure Americans? Do we kill them when they break our laws which include: murder, rape, incest, robbery, burglary, drunk driving, theft, assault etc? Hell no we give them the same rights as American citizens.
Since Mahoney has set the bar so low I feel I can say anything and be above reproach. He claims to be a man of GOD, yet he is capable of saying such vile and hateful things against his fellow countrymen. I wouldn't but I could suggest that he continue his focus on molesting little catholic boys and leave these sovereignty issues to sane people. I could but wouldn't suggest that he use his, or the catholic church's money to support illegals instead of taxpayers money. I could call Obama the Fuhrer (leader) of which I will because he is killing us (or at least our future). I could ask all of these jackasses to leave the good people of Arizona (of which over 70 % agree with the new law) alone. The feds only want to legalize them to add them to the democrat socialist parties voting block. I can guarantee just like Mexico's federal government the people in our federal government do not give a damn about the illegal immigrants or their plight. The only thing our feds care about is when, if, and for whom they will vote ( how they can use these people to accomplish their political goals). That is what the term Comprehensive Immigration Reform means to the Fuhrer and his regime.

A. C. Smithson

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