Friday, April 30, 2010


The clown in chief complained of Arizona's wrongheaded actions concerning immigration. The state has encroached on a strictly federal domain. These jokers are telling us which light bulbs to use and how much salt we can have on our food. Talk about encroaching. Arizona is simply following the federal immigration laws. It is not having its officers grab people off the street and deport them. During the course of their normal enforcement duties if the police determine a person is here illegally he or she is taken into custody. The person is then turned over to the feds. Opponents of this action are claiming that enforcing immigration laws will take police officers away from their normal duties. As a former police officer I can tell you without any doubt a large portion of the crimes that police deal with are committed by illegal aliens. When Sylvester Reyes implemented hold the line, crime in downtown El Paso disappeared overnight. The normally swamped Central division which patrols downtown had officers driving around bored with nothing to do. As with any other enforcement action police must have reasonable suspicion before acting. What is the big deal about showing an ID? If you want a beer you show an ID. If you cash a check you show an ID. If you vote you should be required to show an ID. Mexico requires all its foreign guest to have a passport in their possession. Let's be more like Mexico. Our governor Rick Perry has indicated that he is not totally behind Arizona's harsh immigration law. Little Ricky I voted for you because I thought you were a man, grow some. Don't be acting like Obama.
A. C. Smithson

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