Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Droneism (new word)

I wondered for longest time what causes us to be accepting of the nonsense which has swept our nation in recent years. As with any other complex issue there are multiple factors involved. Intelligence, education, values, principles, and life experiences are but a few of the factors. The characteristic of which I have recently noted is the drone like manner in which we live our lives. We have lost that natural curiosity and that desire to ask questions in order to expand our knowledge of ourselves and our world. To me our society is becoming eerily similar to the one in a novel by Lois Lowry titled "The Giver".
Joseph Goebbels Adolf Hitler's Minister of information famously stated "if you tell a lie frequently enough eventually people will believe it." Man-made global warming, health care reform, immigration reform, Cap and trade, value added tax are some examples of the crap the federal government is pushing upon us as we sit around blissfully ignorant. Ignorant of what the socialists tyrannical government will eventually do to our once great Republic.

A. C. Smithson

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