Friday, April 9, 2010

Nuclear Treaty

Has the Obama regime made us safer by signing a treaty with Russia limiting our weapons, their upgrade, their delivery systems, and future defensive measures. Russia's junk is falling apart. They can probably only field 700 weapons. They are giving up nothing we are weakening ourselves so that we are on par with them. China is building up it's weapon arsenals hoping to exceed our capabilities while we bring ours down. Our delivery systems are far advanced of the Russians. They are used to deposit conventional ( non nuclear) weapons also. This gave us a huge advantage over both Russia and China. He also gave his word to non nuclear nations that he would not nuke them in response to an attack. At least let them think you will. Chemical, biological, or whatever means of attack will not result in nuclear retaliation. Thousands or hundreds of thousands of American deaths will not justify a nuclear retaliation. Is this guy a total moron or does he hate our country that much.

A. C. Smithson

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