Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rated R. for mature adults only

Disclaimer: you must be at least 18 years of age in order to access the following entry!

It appears that despite all the potentially catastrophic events we face as a nation there is one overriding civil rights concern affecting women.

The right to breast-feed openly in public. Bear with me as I attempt to feel my way around this delicate issue.

The case study is provided us from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Minnesota. A lovely, obese, tattooed, country looking girl claimed she was denied her God-given right to breast-feed (in full public view) while dining in a country style restaurant. She claims she was asked to leave the establishment because of it. The restaurant claims she was asked to leave because of the scene her fiance was making by yelling and cursing.

This lady is what Bill and Hillary Clinton would refer to as trailer trash. This is the name they called the victims of Bills marital infidelities. This woman is engaged to the father of her children, not married. There is little doubt this is so they can access social welfare programs and have the funds available in order to dine out in the country restaurant. I don't understand why this is even an issue. I can promise this woman the majority of Americans support her position. The majority of males in this country strongly support a woman's right to expose her breast in public. All females residing in liberal bastions of freedom like Seattle, San Francisco, Detroit, New Orleans, Portland (Oregon or Maine, both the same), New York City, and Camden New Jersey support you. There is absolutely no reason to expect a female in America to modestly cover herself while breast-feeding, none whatsoever.

I worry about the unintended consequences of this act. Liberals frequently support worthwhile activities such as open breast feeding without consideration of the possible ramifications of it. The welfare society created by the Great Society in the 1960s has relegated millions of people to a life of poverty. It was intended by some to help the poor, by others to increase the number of people dependent upon the government. Generation after generation have, and do live a meager existence devoid of any ambition, pride, or personal responsibility. It destroyed the black family by driving the male out of the household.

The possible consequence of this breast exposure in public may be the loss of employment of tens of thousands of young females working themselves through college. The adult entertainment industry may lose millions of paying customers. Customers which entered the clubs and willingly threw down their money so that women would publicly exposed their breast. Does this sound fair? Well does it!

I may be wrong because I was wrong in thinking that Minnesota was part of the United States. I was clearly wrong about that. I found it is some kind of third world country like Cuba, Yemen, or Sudan. It has a civil rights commission which is investigating the woman's complaint. I am correct that a state in the United States (a nation of laws) would not need a civil rights commission but a third world country with a tyrannical government might. Anyway I have come to a couple of conclusions. First, allow women the right to bare their breasts in public and second, the people of Minnesota clearly suffer from brain freeze.

A. C. Smithson

My wife explains to me the purpose of this bare breast feeding (no towel or blanket). It's for the woman to draw attention to herself. It's not about the baby, it's about her. Look at me what a wonderful nurturing person I am.

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