Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why Can't I Lose Weight?

People will tell you to regularly exercise. That's crap. Don't get me wrong, exercise in it's own right is laudable but not as a weight reducer. It contributes minimally in that regard. It will increases the body's metabolism and strengthen muscles and organs. It keeps the body healthy and functioning properly and the systems functioning efficiently. IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT, CONTROL YOUR CALORIC INTAKE. If you don't want a beer gut don't drink beer. If you don't want a derriere that you have to purchase two airline tickets for CONTROL YOUR CALORIC INTAKE. If you don't care that's your business.
A.C. Smithson


  1. That's right. It's your business. I am afraid one day the government is trying to save the trees and limit me on how many toilet paper I may use per week. Oh yes they care! (sarcasm!)

  2. Exercise is essential, and is aids in weight reduction. How? When your intake starts dropping below 1200-1500 calories daily, your body's natural survival mechanism is to try and conserve what it has. It starts REDUCING your caloric expenditure, also known as SLOWING DOWN YOUR METABOLISM. The way you combat this and keep your metabolism even is to exercise.
    Yes, eating the right number & the right kind of calories is the absolutely primary contributing factor for weight loss. But, it only accounts for about 80% in most people, as there is variance among individuals. Other factors include exercise, daily caloric expenditure, metabolism, water intake, sleep, sodium in the diet, and stress. For example, if someone drinks diet coke all day with only one calorie and doesn't consume enough water, they will be slow to see weight coming off because of water retention...even if they're only consuming 800-1200 calories daily. One pound of true fat equals 3500 calories, meaning there must be a deficit of 3500 calories between intake and expenditure for a pound of true fat to come off. However, five pounds of water can come off in a day if one reduces their sodium intake, stops drinking soft drinks and alcohol, and drinks 3 liters of water daily.
