Friday, March 12, 2010

Please Shut Up!

The cackling gaggle of so called experts who claim to know more about how you should live your life than you appear to exist in inexhaustible numbers. The hints and tips seem to be never ending. I will list a few and then ask these experts a couple of questions. Don't eat, drink, or utilize any of the following items according to the experts:

  • red meats
  • salt, less will save your heart and brain
  • non stick cook wear, releases chemicals
  • sunlight, cancer and wrinkles
  • plastic containers, release chemicals
  • smoking, cancer and other diseases
  • alcohol good for the heart, bad for the liver
  • sugar bad for you, but taste good
  • processed foods bad, organic food good (all damn food is organic unless you eat rocks)
  • mercury in fish bad, mercury in light bulbs good
  • eggs bad for you, eggs good for you
  • plastic bags bad, cloth bags good
  • driving bad, walking good
  • using cell phones, brain cancer, maybe

At least a thousand other stupid hints and tips are around telling you how to live your life. Probably most of the experts giving this advise live less than satisfying lives.

Question #1 If I follow all of these instructions will my life be a more enjoyable experience?

Question #2 If I follow all of these instructions will I never suffer an illness, and most importantly will I LIVE FOREVER?

If the answer to either question is no then I say shut the hell up and leave me alone. You live your life your way, and I will live mine my way.

A. C. Smithson

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