Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Clarifying a Misconception

I have been frequently asked if I thought Obama would be assassinated. I would answer no he is well protected. The state controlled media was propagating this non-sense. They are attempting to convince the democrat drones that the country is full of right wing crazies causing murder and mayhem. The truth of the matter is just the opposite.
  • John Wilkes Booth murderer of Abraham Lincoln. He was an actor (liberal nut) and he claimed his actions were in response to what the Republicans had done to the south.
  • Charles J. Guiteau murdered James Garfield. Guiteau had a long time relationship with a Utopian commune, where free love and communal child rearing was practiced. (liberal nut)
  • Leon Czolgosz murdered William McKinley. Czolgosz was a socialist and anarchist. (liberal nut)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald murdered John F. Kennedy. Oswald was a communist. He was incensed by racial discrimination and he defiantly rode in the black sections of buses as a child. (liberal nut)

Every presidential assassin in our countries history has been a liberal nut. Obama don't turn your back on Dingy Harry Reid or Politburo Pelosi both of which are big liberal nuts.

I am opposed to all government attempts to limit our second amendment rights, but if they want to enact true meaningful gun safety legislation they should ban the sell of guns to liberals.

A.C. Smithson

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