Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Guess What!

When the Democrat socialist Party (D.S.P.) wrote the health care bill on behalf of the American people they probably didn't mention one little item. OK they probably did not mention a lot of things but lets explore one or two at a time. When they decided to save Americans from the stress of having to hold a day job, yet have health insurance they wrote in a provision that exempted themselves from the plan. That's right the President , Congress, and their staffs have their own health care program as the one they gave us wasn't good enough for them. Also very soon the Tax Commission that Obama created to advise on taxes, deficit reduction, and other matters will likely ask for a Value Added Tax or V.A.T. A Value added tax taxes items during every step of the production process. It is like a federal sales tax. As we become more and more like the European socialist countries we will start to adopt more and more of their programs like the V.A.T.

A. C. Smithson

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