Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Remind your government that you are the boss!

Our third world leader Barack Hussein Obama is willing to destroy our nation in order to save face (protect his image). This is not unlike other third worlds leaders such Kim Jung IL, Hugo Chavez, or Raul Castro who admiringly look at themselves in the mirror.
If it was a good thing for the American people, the proponents of the health care bill would be explaining all the details and demonstrating every beneficial aspect of it. They would not be hiding it, nor would they have difficulty in getting their own party to vote for it.
The health care bill for the first time would require taxpayers to pay for the murder of the unborn (abortion). In El Paso every Catholic should be against it. They should let Sylvester Reyes know their feelings on the matter (call him). A Catholic friend of mine told me that Catholics in El Paso are against abortion, however they would never vote for a republican out of bias. I say grow up. Either you support abortion or you don't. If you don't then vote people out of office who support it i.e. democrats.
The reason these statist are so much in favor of this disaster (health Care bill) is they want more control over your life. One more thing before I close. Yesterday our lying leader told a room full of people who don't work that employers could save up to 3,000 % on the amount they pay for health care allowing them to possibly give employees a pay raise. All the morons applauded wildly. Note: if an employer payed 5,ooo dollars per employee and they had a 100% savings they would have to pay nothing. One hundred percent is the entire pie. If the employer got a 3,000 % savings it would mean for each employee the insurance company would have to pay the employer approx. 150.000 dollars. Everything these liberals say is a lie, without exception.

A.C. Smithson

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