Friday, March 26, 2010

Fat Kids

Michelle Obama is going to fix the fat kids. I say mind your own business. The parents need to fix them not the federal government. Feds cut out the free lunch programs and food stamps if you don't want fat kids. It's funny in their efforts to create victims liberals have both hungry and fat children in America. Which is it? Obama is going to fix the fat kids within a generation. I promise you this: When all is said and done, when all the tax money is wasted, the kids will still be fat. This will be another government failure in the making. Outlaw video games like you did the use of cell phones while driving. If it will save one life it will be worth it! (Just kidding, making fun of liberals). Pass a law requiring the kids go outside after school and on weekends to run, bike, play football, basketball, baseball, and other cool things.

A. C. Smithson

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