Saturday, March 27, 2010

Big government can take care of you!

Now that the government has resolved my health care concerns when will it take care of my other wants. I believe I'm paying more for homeowners insurance than health care insurance. I use the homeowners insurance more frequently for significant issues like wind damage or hail than I have my health insurance for major health problem. Car insurance is quite high. I would like them to address it as I am required by law to have it before I can drive to work. The electric bill is moving up also. It I believe is my and every other citizen's right to have lights, toasters, coffee pots, and everything else electricity provides either for free or at a reduced cost. If I can stay healthier by exercising maybe they should get me a gym membership. I must additionally eat healthier so perhaps a grocery bill guarantee. Nothing big oh say $600 a month subsidy. My cell phone bill is crazy. I don't want one but my wife insists that I have one as she worries about me. Cable TV is obviously an American birthright. Currently I choose not to pay the additional $50 over the present cost of $150 for the premium channels. In order to level the playing field the government should address the problem. Gasoline prices are once again on the rise. The evil oil companies need to be either forced to sell it at a loss or I will need some government help. I don't really like my job so I would like to go back to college full-time (with pay) and possibly become a brain surgeon. Think of all the people I could help. These are all common sense things that can help the average citizen like me. Hell it's my right to these things! I'm sure there are more things the government can help me with, but I need a little more time to sort them out. P. S. I could use a bigger house, and I wouldn't mind a three-story cabin in Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Thank you.
A. C. Smithson

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