Monday, March 22, 2010

Democratic Socialist Parties Latest Victory

The moronic speaker of the house said it best. "Once the bill passes then we can learn what is in it." It is all about big government and little or nothing to do with health care. It is about more control over the individual so that government can make the changes it wishes to create the socialist utopia that these clowns believe in. Currently only 6% percent of the citizens surveyed believe that the stimulus package of 787 billion dollars actually created jobs. Once it is discovered the never ending taxes on everyone and the limitations placed on access, treatment, and health care innovation this bill will be viewed similarly. Several years down the road when premiums are sky high and rationing is in place we will realize that this is just another failure of government to produce as promised, and we all and future generations will be stuck with the bill.

A. C. Smithson

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