Thursday, March 25, 2010

Top 10 Dumbest in America

10 Bill Maher- comedian, hatemonger
9 Doug Stephan- radio talk show host, harmless but D-U-M-B
8 Michael Moore- lard ass Hollywood type, hatemonger
7 Nancy Pelosi- politburo leader, S.F. moron
6 Harry Reid- Feeble old fool- senate leader
5 Dennis Kucinish- Insane house member
4 Mika Brzezinski- Commie babe MSLSD (MSNBC) Morning Joe, father is feeble old fool
3 Barack Obama- Marxist that thinks the U.S. is a horrible place
2 Joe (f-----g) Biden, dumbest man in government, gaff a minute
1 We the American people for electing such Riff-Raff (trash)

P.S. I had to add one more.

Gerardo Rivera- Dr. Death, he is marched out by FOX each time any death or disaster occurs. He a liberal hack defending all the liberal stupidity in hushed tones. He is totally delusional in that he actually believes when he hangs out with the military that he is making a military contribution. He is a liar as demonstrated from his report in Iraq about a battle that had just occurred behind the hill he was standing in front of (in fact the battle was two hundred miles away). He carried a gun into a war zone putting at peril all reporters. He is as delusional as I was when I was six years old and I alternated back and forth between being Popeye and Superman. He thinks he is one with the hurricane and stands out in the rain showing how stupid, I mean brave he is. He has a dream of being in a cave with Osama bin Laden holding a gun to his head (Illusions of Grandeur). He is not sure if he would shoot or not. He is a damn news reader, nothing more. What a phony nut.

A. C. Smithson

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