Monday, October 25, 2010

We have to pass it before we can know what's in it

I thought it was fairly obvious what our Dear Leader and the Politburo were up to when they passed their health care plan. Two years ago I understood what its passage meant.

Today it seems the Associated Press finally figured it out. In a story out of Washington Ricardo Alonso Zaldivar says, " the new health care law wasn't supposed to undercut employer plans that have provided most people in the U.S. with coverage for generations. Last week a leading manufacturer told workers that cost will jump partly because of the law. A Democrat governor laid out a scheme for employers to get out of health care by shifting workers into taxpayer subsidized insurance markets that opened in 2014."

Wasn't supposed to undercut? That was the intent of the passage of Obama care. To make all Americans dependent on the government for health care. To drive private insurance companies out of business. Their plan all along was to have a one payer system.

A. C. Smithson

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