Monday, October 25, 2010

Education in America

Many libs are excited about the new film "Waiting for Superman." If you watch the movie you supposedly will become an expert on what is wrong with education.
My understanding of the movie is that it indicates the teachers unions are at fault. This can not sit well with this arm of the Lib party. The teachers are ultimately blamed, indirectly.
It is true some teachers under perform and should look for other employment. Remember the schools failed before the standardized test were introduced. The cause of their failures must rest elsewhere. The liberal unions are largely to blame for their programs, indoctrinations, and progressive policies. Their support for liberal administrators who run the districts is also a cause for failure. The absolute lack of discipline and parental involvement has to be two of the greatest factors.

I have a question now. Don't get exercised. I'm only asking the question. This morning some egghead researcher/educator stated if we got rid of 5% of the teachers (bad ones) we would lead the world in education. Here's a question: in the psychotic liberal world if a disproportionate number of bad teachers turn out to be members of minority groups which liberal rule would apply. The one that says the teachers are at fault get rid of them, or as with prison inmates the disproportionate number of minorities serving time is due to racism.

A. C. Smithson

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