Friday, October 1, 2010

Clown of the Day

I am a staunch supporter of teachers. Elitist believe we are all idiots, or at least enough of us that they can tell us any lie.

This morning a defense lawyer stated that the prosecution had not proven that his client intended to kill his four victims during a home invasion. He shot some of them in the head. He strangled one of them. He raped two of them and tied them to their beds. He poured gas on them and set the house on fire. Clearly he had no intent to hurt anyone. Some Obama supporters would believe this. Why do these elites think we are this stupid? One reason may be because we elected Obama. Another reason may be Donald.

Today I was reading my NEA comic book (NEA today). A teacher named Donald Wood from Ashbury Park, New Jersey wrote the following of which I will paraphrase in order to avoid punishing you the reader. He speaks of some education babe name Diane Ravitch. She says that No Child Left Behind had some consequences which were unintended. Wood says it is clear in reading No Child Left Behind that its authors were hostile toward public school teachers. It is an expression of a larger view among conservatives that liberalism is a threat, and must be eradicated. Public school teachers and the humanism (any system of thought based on the interests and ideals of humanity) they teach have become symbols of what conservatives hate and fear most: progressivism (I call what they are doing regressivism). Ravitch glossed over an important point -- or she is naive according to Donald.

Donald, Donald, Donald, if you are this ill-informed you should not be writing to a magazine as in this case, they may publish your thoughts. Two of the most progressive liberal Democrats ever are the authors that you say wrote NCLB because they are hostile toward public school teachers. Donald the authors of no Child left behind were Edward Kennedy D. - Dead - Massachusetts, and George Miller D. - California. Ravitch knew this and that is why she was gentle on them. Donald, you are far too ill-informed and unintelligent to be a teacher. I indicated at the beginning of this piece I wholeheartedly support teachers. Donald, in your case get the hell out you MORON!

A. C. Smithson

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