Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How much time is enough

Some useful idiots say in order for conditions to improve Obama needs more time. The brother needs more time.

More time? How much more? Does he need four years, six years, eight years or what? How long does it take to transform the greatest, freest, richest nation on earth into a socialist utopia?

How much more time does he need to silence free speech with programs like the fairness doctrine? How long will it take to pass the Cap and Trade energy tax, so that every form of energy is taxed at much higher rates. How much time is needed before government is the only access to health care? How much more time is needed in order to nationalize American corporations? How long until enough funds have been redistributed from the earners to the moochers? How much more time is needed to stack the Supreme Court with Marxist so that the liberals can enact laws by judicial fiat instead of the legislative process? How long will it be before you are paying 70 plus percent of your earnings in taxes? How much time does he need in order to legalize illegal aliens to keep democrats in power for the next 60 to 70 years?

Yo, useful idiots how much more time does Barack Hoover Obama need?

A. C. Smithson

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