Sunday, October 17, 2010

De-evolution has arrived!

Darwin's theory of evolution has once again been proven wrong. We're not becoming faster, smarter, stronger. We're becoming more dependent, lazy, and stupid. There's endless evidence no matter where you look. We interpret the prohibition of any law "respecting an establishment of religion" to mean freedom from religion. We kicked God out of the public square. We elect a Marxist who hates our country and is hell-bent on destroying it. We no longer know how to educate our children. And now today one more step backwards.

El Paso Times byline "City moves to create a vulnerable road users law." Pedestrians, runners, physically disabled people, highway construction workers, tow truck operators, utility workers, stranded motorist, people on horseback, bicyclist, hand cyclist, horse-drawn conveyance operators, and farm equipment operators could soon have an additional layer of protection.

The city will write an ordinance aimed at outlining new rules for drivers when it comes to sharing the streets with so-called vulnerable road users. This should do it. Telling drivers not to crash into this vast group of victims should remedy the situation.

Back in the old days when we were less sophisticated and less evolved we had a simple understanding. Cars belong on the road other things don't. Regardless of whatever nonsensical ordinance these morons dream up nothing will change. Drivers may be at greater peril from over criminalization of our society, but this other category of street sharers will have no more protection. Inattentive pedestrians, cyclist, riders on skittish horses will still face the same hazards if they choose to intermix with motor vehicles.

When I was a relatively young person of age eight or nine I understood this. I knew that if I got on the roadway in the path of a car I would come up a loser. This is why I made it a point to stay the hell out of the way. When I walked near a roadway or when crossing the street I had the same understanding. When I rode my horses I understood this. The 20 plus years I worked as a police officer on the highways I understood this.

When you put bicycle paths on high-speed highways, Loop 375 for example you will eventually have mishaps. Fallible humans are operating the cars and bicycles. Mistakes will happen. If you want an ordinance that will protect the safety of these vulnerable road users make one that tells them to stay the hell off the road. Pedestrians are not allowed on interstate highways for a reason. In the days when we were less intelligent and less evolved we understood that an unprotected pedestrian meandering in an environment with 2,000 pound bullets flying by was not a workable situation. Now we think it's okay.

If you walk on a train track long enough a train will get you. If you swim in the ocean long enough a shark may attack. If you fly like a bird (airplane) there is a possibility you may crash. No ordinance written by a group of simpletons will protect you. Note to vulnerable road users stay off the road if possible. Pedestrians use sidewalks or other areas off the street.

A. C. Smithson

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