Monday, October 18, 2010

Possible bumper stickers

Democrat -- party of the ignorant and gullible
Democrat-- party of blame someone else
Republican -- lesser of two evils party
Democrat -- party of the modern-day Marxists
Democrat -- the party of party
Democrat -- party of infanticide
Democrat -- party of dependency
Democrat -- party of secrecy
Democrat -- party of corruption
Democrat -- party of tyranny
Republican -- party of less corruption
Democrat -- party of confusion
Republican -- party of the RINO
Democrat -- party of lost liberty
Democrat -- the party of pot
Democrat -- party of all consuming government
Democrat -- party of the Godless
Democrat -- all people are victims party
Republican -- party of the meek politician
Democrat -- punish success, reward failure party
Democrat -- the anti-American party
Democrat -- party of the racist
Democrat -- the blame America first party
Democrat -- party of the lazy
Democrat -- Socialist Utopian party
Democrat -- party of perversion
Republican -- the don't defeat your political foe party
Democrat -- party of hate
Democrat -- party of whiners and crybabies

Recent observed sign at tea party rally:
Redistribute my work ethic, not my money

Meghan McCain -- has to be the dumbest blond alive. All the dumb blond jokes had to have their origin with her. She has a new book out. Who on earth would want to know what a dumb blond has to say.

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