Monday, October 4, 2010

T.S.T.A / N.E.A. magazine

My TSTA/NEA magazine arrived today. To my surprise and dismay a picture of Democrat gubernatorial candidate Bill White was on the cover. In reading the magazine I felt a deep shock and awe to discovered that the teacher's unions had endorsed a democrat. Who could have guessed that? The incestuous relationship between the Democrat Socialist party and teachers unions continues. White doesn't even have hair! What are you liberal voters thinking. In past elections a person's appearance was enough for democrats to disqualify him/her.

In reading the in-depth, rigorous, detailed probe of White during his interview with TSTA Democrats, nothing was revealed. The magazine claimed that he had promised to make education funding a top priority. He said "I will try to give priority (not top priority) to education." He is going to try, he promised to try.

Another question concerned lower student/teacher ratio in the classrooms. He gave no answer as to what could be done. I'll answer. If you want a lower student/teacher ratio in the classroom don't enroll illegal aliens.

He called the existing accountability system for the public schools a joke. He offered no alternative. He will continue the status quo.

Unionists interjected politics into school curriculum not the state Board of Education. The magazine blamed the Board of Education. The board simply attempted to rectify some of the rewriting of history.

Unions, liberal politicians, school boards/administrations, and neglectful permissive parents, have destroyed public education not the teachers.

White promised you nothing. He simply answered with political double talk committing to nothing.

The union showcases the fact that White's parents were both teachers. A noble profession that he did not follow himself. He must not have thought it a worthwhile endeavor. Instead he decided to be a liberal politician.

In future issues instead of wasting all the magazine space on politics just simply say what you mean, vote Democrat!

Remember NCLB authors were Edward Kennedy and George Miller, liberal Democrats.

Unions, politicians, and administrations, are far more concerned with holding and expanding their power and influence. These goals are far more important than educating children in today's society.

A. C. Smithson

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