Monday, October 11, 2010

Democrat tax increase

The Democrat Socialist party D. S. P. calls the Bush tax rate expiration a tax cut for the rich. Words have meaning. Progressives twist the language to fit their needs. When in doubt consult the dictionary. Keeping tax rates the same is not a tax cut. Raising the current tax rate is a tax increase. The question is will the socialist raise taxes on everyone, or only the rich? Commissar Obama would raise them on the rich in hopes of crushing the U.S. economy. His attacks on the private sector substantiate this theory. He would like to see a total economic collapse. This would allow the expansion of government, and the rebuilding of the nation in a manner of his choosing. To hell with the Constitution and our founding fathers. To hell with you and me. The other members of the D.S.P. are not as committed to his communist Utopian dream. They will vote to save their jobs. They will fight to tax the rich, but are scared of the middle class. If the Republicans stand strong the tax rates will stay in place for all. If the D.S.P. loses big they may throw a tantrum as would the man child, Barack the jackass Obama. My prediction is that the tax rate will stay in place. The extension however will be only for one year. This will not give confidence to the investors, therefore the economy will continue to languish. Five years should be the minimum extension allowing businesses the stability to grow.

A. C. Smithson

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